
The One Culture Project by Rafael Gordillo Apel

Holaa and welcome dear visitor!

My name is Rafael, and I have embarked on a meaningful and heartfelt jurney that I am more than happy to share with you. Im 27 years old born and raised in Guatemala, currently studying in Germany. A few years ago, I made a decision that would shape the course of my life, a personal project that has become my passion and purpose bringing me here today.

Growing up in Guatemala, I witnessed firsthand the struggles faced by single mothers and families living in poverty. Their strength and resilience inspired me to make a difference in their lives. I want to make a big inpact providing them with opportunities they may never have imagined.

Currently, I am supporting nearly 45 single mothers and over 100 families in Guatemala. However, the recent global crisis caused by the pandemic has hit them hard. They have been unable to sell their products, leaving them in a state of uncertainty and financial struggle. It was then that I realized I needed to find a way to bring their creations to a broader audience, outside the confines of Guatemala.


Driven by my unwavering commitment and fueled by love and empathy, I decided to bring their products to Europe. By doing so, I hope to help them find motivated customers that appreciate their work and provide a sustainable source of income. My determination to support these families goes beyond mere charity; it stems from a deep-rooted connection forged over the years.

Having known most of these families for the entirety of my life, I have developed a profound understanding of their struggles and dreams. This personal connection drives me to dedicate my whole heart to this project. I am prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure that these families have the opportunities they deserve.

These artisans pour their hearts and souls into their creations, yet their work often goes unnoticed and underappreciated. This project aims to change that. It seeks to give these mothers the recognition they deserve, to showcase their remarkable skills, and to create a platform for their talents to be celebrated and cherished. I have documented every step of the process. Through interviews, videos, and photographs, I aim to showcase the love, passion, and dedication that lies behind each unique piece of art created by these families. I want to share the story of their ancient maya technique, their determination, and their dreams.

More than just telling a story, my ultimate goal is to motivate and inspire others. I believe that self-motivation is lacking in today's youth. Many prioritize material wealth over making a positive impact. But I want to change that mindset. I want people to be grateful for what they have, to think about where they spend their money, and to support projects like mine that empower those in need.

So, as I share this personal journey with you, I invite you to join me on this mission. In my heart, I truly believe that we are better together. We are not defined by borders or circumstances. We are one world, interconnected and capable of creating meaningful change. So, I invite you to join me on this mission. Let's embrace gratitude, compassion, and unity. Together, we can make a difference and build a brighter future for everyone.

Thank you for being part of this big dream Im working on.

Together, we can make a difference,

 Rafael Gordillo Apel


We are One World. We are better Together.